
2023 Title Deed Fee Payment and Calculation Method | How many TL?

2023 title deed fee payment rates have been announced. This year, the revolving capital price in the sale of land, houses, and different immovable properties was clarified as 265 TL. For example, people who want to buy an apartment in the Land Registry Cadastre buildings must first pay the working capital fee of 265 TL. In addition, there is a 2023 title deed fee. For those who plan to buy and sell property already in 2023 how much is the title deed fee? What percentage of tuition is paid? Who pays the costs? He wonders about his questions.

The method of calculating the title deed fee is shaped by laws. Basically, the property sales figure declared jointly by the buyer and seller is taken as the basis. A fee payment of 4% (four percent) of the sales amount is taken from this land, home, and workplace declaration made in 2023. The parties shall divide this payment equally. In other words, 2% the buyer pays 2% and the seller part pays the title deed fee. However, when we look at the settlement within the society, it is seen that all the title deed costs are covered by the buyer.

What is the Land Registry?

The method of calculating the 2023 title deed fee is as follows: For example, when a house is to be sold for 1,000,000 TL, 1,000,000 TL x 4% = 40,000 TL is the price of the title deed fee. Considering that the parties will be divided equally, there is a fee of 20,000 TL for the seller and 20,000 TL for the buyer. This is the basic calculation.


Detailed Analysis of 2023 Title Deed Fee Payment

In social life, selling/buying a house, land, or a different property is a job that can happen to anyone. In their best interest, individuals learn the basics in this regard. For example, how is the title deed fee calculated in 2023? How much does the title deed cost in house purchase and sale? If such situations are known, the process will get very easy results when it comes to the beginning. This year, the fee to be charged when buying and selling title deeds is set at 4%. The title deed cost of a house of 500,000 TL will be 20,000 TL. 

Land Registry Fee Payment Fees Fee Table in 2023:


2023  The tuition fee of the title deed worth 500,000 TL % 4 20,000 TL
2023 The fee of the title deed worth 1,000,000 TL % 4 40,000 TL
2023 2,000,000 TL worth of title deed fee % 4 80,000 TL
2023 3,000,000 TL worth of title deed fee % 4 120,000 TL
2023 The tuition fee of the title deed worth 4,000,000 TL % 4 160,000 TL
2023 5,000,000 TL worth of title deed fee % 4 200,000 TL
2023 6,000,000 TL worth of title deed fee % 4 240,000 TL
2023 7,000,000 TL worth of title deed fee % 4 280,000 TL
2023 8,000,000 TL worth of title deed fee % 4 320,000 TL
2023 9,000,000 TL worth of title deed fee % 4 360,000 TL
2023 The tuition fee of the title deed worth 10,000,000 TL % 4 400,000 TL


*2023 title deed fee rates may change during the season.

How Much Was The Title Deed Fee In 2023?

This year, the title deed fee rates remained at the same level as in previous years. In other words, just like in 2022, 4% of the sale value will be paid as the title deed price in 2023. There is also a working capital fee. It was calculated as 265 TL during the year. While 233 TL is the service fee, + 32 TL is an additional service fee. The revolving capital price is also paid by the seller party.

How many square meters of the house, land, or workplace is, does not affect the cost of the 2023 title deed fee payment. For example, if the sales value of a 100 m2 house is 1,000,000 TL, the fee calculation is made by focusing only on the sales rate. In other words, it is possible to summarize as follows: The title deed costs of a 100 m2 house and a 200 m2 house will be at the same rate. The important thing is how many TL it is sold for. The formula for this (sales price x 4% = tuition price) The formula is so simple. You can also easily calculate your fee.

Fraudulent Land Title Deed Expense Payment 2023

During the sale of land or property, the value of the property is taken as the basis for determining the fee price. This is determined by the verbal declaration of the buyer and seller. However, the process of reducing the cost of the title deed by saying a rate below the real sales figure is called the fraudulent title deed fee payment. For example, the title deed cost of land sold for 1,000,000 TL is 40,000 TL. However, if this property is called 500,000 TL as a declaration, the 2023 title deed fee will be 20,000 TL. This practice is seen as a fraudulent sale.

In today’s title deed purchases, it is preferred to pay a high rate of fraudulent title deed costs. Although it is prohibited by law, individuals who benefit from the fact that it is difficult to determine turn to it for less expense. If a fraudulent land title deed expense transaction is detected, a financial fine is imposed to the extent determined by law.

2023 Share Title Deed Fee Payment

The fraudulent title deed fee is a process aimed at reducing the title deed fee cheaper by showing the sales figures low. It’s not an official method of implementation. No matter how much the figure is declared, the fee account is always determined as 4%.

How much is the title deed fee in the 2023 free transfer?

The 2023 title deed fee payment for the free donation has been announced. According to the announcements of 2023, 68.31 per thousand of the property value is paid for the costs of the free title deed transfer. In other words, it is possible to say that the figure in the property sale declaration is 6.8%. The scope of these sales is evident in cases of donating free of charge. For example, this practice is applied to the change of ownership of properties within the family.

2023 Title Deed Fee Calculation Method

The 2023 title deed calculation method research is taking place for those who will buy and sell land, home, workplace, or different property. First, let’s say that this payment is a service fee. The working capital fee of 265 TL is fixed. It does not change under any circumstances. However, the title deed costs vary in direct proportion to the sale value of the property. The calculation technique is as follows.

  1. The buyer party pays 2% of the figure in the sale declaration of the land.
  2. The seller part pays 2% of the figure in the sale declaration of the land.

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